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🍀 Sold! 🍀

Refurbished Birds Eye Dresser w Original Mirror! This is an IOD - Iron Orchid Designs transfer called Midnight Garden. Painted with Wise Owl Paint in CSP Limestone. The stenciling on the sides of the drawer by Jami Ray Vintage . Have an Abracadabra Refurbished Day! 😘 Dresser 36"x20"x30", Mirror 36"x38"

Abracadabra Refurbished LLC/Cozy Atmospheres by Mel

Located at 1355 Caledonia Street La Crosse Wisconsin 54603. Open hours are Thursday through Saturday 11 to 3. You may also find us online by typing in Abra Refurb which will take you our website, Remember those that don't believe in MAGIC will never find it!~Roald


Refurbished Birds Eye Dresser w Original Mirror

SKU: 104513872690
Out of Stock